
Assessments and Evaluations

I am not taking referrals at this time for assessments and evaluations.

 Psychological and Educational Evaluations

I have many years of experience assessing children, adolescents, and adults to identify the many diverse learning styles and learning issues such as ADHD, Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.

I also provide testing required to receive accommodations for college, post-college, workplace, and standardized tests, (SAT, GRE, LSAT, etc.)

I use standard psychological measurements along with parent/teacher rating scales and empirical observation. Early detection of individual strengths and weaknesses can be instrumental in promoting an individualized plan for educational health and future success. Assessments are a family affair and can be an emotional experience. I work with the family and the parents, as well as the individual being assessed, to understand their learning and coping styles.

Checking in on your child’s proficiency every few years can be a valuable addition to academic achievement reports. Early detection of deficiencies, weaknesses and strengths can assist you in providing enrichment or remedial supplements to even the most comprehensive school curriculum.

Psychological and Educational Assessments are focused on three main areas:

1 – Cognitive Functioning

An individual’s relative strengths and weaknesses in the following areas are explored:

    • Verbal communication and comprehension
    • Focus and memory
    • Ability to solve problems
    • Good decision making and impulse control

2 – Academic Functioning

  • Does the individual appear to have learning disabilities?
  • Has academic achievement declined and are there any known or suspected reasons for this?
  • Is the student at national grade level norms?
  • What are appropriate strategies for reasonable achievement goals?

3 – Emotional Functioning

Testing can often reveal underlying causes
for poor or diminished achievement.

Causes can include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Substance abuse or other addictive behaviors
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Social Insensitivity or Insecurity
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)